November 30, 2021

WFH – 6 Tips To Improving Your Productivity

More companies than ever before are hiring people to work from home, and more flexible approaches to working have proved to be successful for many. Working from home can be freeing, but it can also be difficult too. How can you strike that balance right and improve your productivity when working from home?

  1. Internet connection – Throughout the pandemic, having a good connection to the internet has become more important than ever. Almost all jobs now require an extent of online involvement, whether that is digital marketing, communicating with your team or advertising your services. The internet is a significant part of the modern world, so ensuring that you are well connected is essential when working from home. There is nothing worse than not being able to get a job done due to poor connection, so ensure that your internet connection is stable and runs at a decent speed.
  2. Get out of those pyjamas! – When working from home, it can be tempting to get out of those pyjamas, but it could be impacting your productivity. Simple things like choice of clothing can change our mindset- for example, if you are wearing pyjamas it can be more difficult to motivate yourself, or to get yourself in the right headspace to work. Opting for some comfortable, but slightly more professional clothing can help you to improve your productivity- plus it will help you to avoid awkward moments in an impromptu zoom call!No alt text provided for this image
  3. Don’t isolate yourself – Interacting with others can be seriously motivating. This is due to human psychology, as we are social animals that require connections with others. Reaching out to others can help you to remember your goals. Beyond this, you can network online and make connections with others that can help to boost your career.
  4. Office space – Being productive is often about creating routines and good habits that you stick to, as this can help you to hold yourself accountable and get the work done that you need. A good place to start is creating an office space, a clear space where you can work without distractions. If you don’t have room for an at-home office, dedicate a specific desk or workspace as a place where you can work every day.
  5. Timing is everything – Another key way to create a healthy routine is to work at the same time each day. This is because it can be difficult to differentiate between work and home when you are working from home, which can be detrimental to your sleep and your productivity. Start working at the same time each day and consider waking up slightly earlier than you need to to get yourself in the right headspace before work.
  6. Set realistic expectations – When you are saving time each day by avoiding the daily commute, it can be easy to overload yourself with expectations of higher quantities of work. However, maintaining realistic expectations can ensure that your work is at a good standard and that you don’t get burnt out.

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