March 29, 2022

Spellcheck… the lost art of spelling

In the digital age, we have a heavy reliance on built-in spellcheck software and the internet to answer any of our spelling-related queries. The importance of spelling has dwindled as it has become easier than ever before to rely on external software for spelling.

However, in certain industries, spelling is of immense importance still. In the medical industry, for example, the spelling of particular illnesses and drugs is absolutely vital – it can be a matter of life and death. But how have we become estranged from the art of spelling, and why is it still important? This week, we explore 3 key ways that spelling is still vital in the modern world.

  1. Communication – It is a common misconception that spelling has become less important in recent times. As we communicate through written modes of communication such as over email or text, punctuation and spelling have evolved. Although we may use abbreviations or shortcuts to make online communications more efficient, incorrect spelling that causes confusion or miscommunication can actually cost more time than it saves. Learning how to communicate accurately online is not something that you will have learnt in school spelling lessons, but it is extremely important in keeping up with the times and learning to communicate effectively. In medical professions, for example, abbreviations are commonly used to save time. Whether you use abbreviations or not, it is important that you spell words correctly so that others understand what you mean. In clinical letters, for example, it is important that you use the correct spelling and that you present information appropriately so that it can be easily understood.
  2. Literacy – Developing skills in spelling will help you navigate a range of texts or resources seamlessly. This is because spelling skills come from our built-in capacity for language. You may notice that after a while, the spelling of certain words feels intuitive, or that you don’t have to give it any thought at all. Not only will this save you time in communicating effectively with others, but it will enable you to approach a range of written material and understand it. It will help you improve your literacy skills as a whole, which is particularly helpful if you work in a job where you have to communicate with others via written forms of communication, writing and editing clinical letters, or referring back to previous clinical letters/medical history.
  3. Professionalism – Keeping good spelling skills is an important part of maintaining professionalism. It has been proven that poor spelling skills have a direct impact on employment opportunities. Again, it is likely that this is related to communication, as your poor spelling may confuse others. More still, poor spelling may communicate to a potential employer/opportunity that you are careless with your quality of work. Demonstrating value in your written work by using correct spelling can be beneficial for your career as a whole, by creating good, professional impressions, you may find that new opportunities arise and that you have a professional reputation.

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